Thanks to "our Grump" for this find. At first I got all excited before I read the description, thinking she didnt take it all to her grave and that cold hearted bitch would tell us something. Then I knew that would be to good to be true. It appears to be just a collection of her Christian monthly newsletter she sent to her supporters. *Sigh*
The Dove's Nest Newsletters: A Collection of Christian Newsletters
Author Ms. Susan Atkins Whitehouse
Publication Date: October 31, 2010
The Dove's Nest Newsletters is a collection of 62 Christian newsletters written by Susan Atkins Whitehouse between 1996 and 2002, while incarcerated. Susan Atkins Whitehouse was arrested in 1969 and spent the next 40 years in prison for her part in the Charles Manson crimes. She was born again in 1974 and spent the rest of her life fulfilling the Great Commission - to bring
the Word of the saving Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to the world.
She passed away in 2008, the longest serving woman prisoner in US history.
I am still holding out hope that she has a diary some where that will be be released. Maybe James has something up his sleeve that he will share with us someday. I know it's a very long shot, but a girl can dream can't she?
snooproose said...
I am still holding out hope that she has a diary some where that will be be released. Maybe James has something up his sleeve that he will share with us someday. I know it's a very long shot, but a girl can dream can't she?
Ok girl, remind me to put "call Whitehouse" on my list. LOL
If he has something like that and he would share it that would be awesome. Do we have anything we could offer him to sweeten a deal? ;-)
I always feel that the one thing that never left Susan/Sadie was her need to be thought attractive. She was so very very insecure. Her story really is pitiful: here is a person who was never loved by a single human being in her life. She would go around acting so tough people were actually convinced it was real.
Just one person to really unconditionally love her until she believed she was lovable. It would have been hard, because if anyone treated her well, she'd have abused him, believing inside that since she was worthless, anyone who treated her well must be less than worthless.
So it seems that James found a way through those defences. I pity Susan so much. The dreadful demonising of a completely ruined and wasted person. A girl who just handed her body to anyone for the short time she could feel loved. She reminds me of Aileen Wuornos who was also so abandoned.
It goes to show that it is no meaningless cliche: the best thing you can give any child is love. I see it in the Chinese kids here: their parents never stint their love and they are so physically affectionate, they always, every moment let those kids know they are the centre of the world. And the kids are so mature, balanced, confident, they are so lovely. They grow into respectful teens that an adult can actually talk to, they are interesting, fully-developed people by the age of 15 or 16. The few who are given piles of material goods and never see their rich folks are just the opposite: bad-mannered, demanding, acting tough, acting entitled....
So anyway, what I meant to say was, that every publication of Sadie's emphasises her physical appearance. Always the most flattering pictures. It always makes me think of that desperate lonely girl and all the awful 'burn in hell' comments when she died.
Well said Fiona.
he ghost wrote her last book "The Myth of H.S." and he had to extensively footnote it from basically two books so I doubt that he has anything hidden to add...
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