Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas, Charlie Manson!

Mr. Patty, like our beloved Colonel, loves those little round-headed dudes. For a treat, Patty queued up Christmas Time in South Park:


Episode One marks the very first appearance of Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo which is an all time classic. Episode Two is entitled "Merry Christmas, Charlie Manson!" Since Patty was not expecting this, she pointed and laughed her fool ass off while Mr. Patty groaned with mock chagrin. Anywhoo, (spoiler alert!) Charlie drives Cartman and the gang to the mall in Grandma Cartman's car, changes his swastika to a smiley face tattoo, then gives a requisite sentimental speech about the meaning of Family as he is ultimately hauled back to the klink. VERY silly. VERY eggnog-and-bongworthy. Enjoy!

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