A great photo Patty had never seen before: Paul, before his untimely death from cancer, in the early 90's. Claire Vaye Watkins, his oldest daughter, was only six at the time and is on his right. They were evidently enjoying a day at the hot springs in Tecopa, where Paul is said to have been the "unofficial mayor."

Claire now teaches English at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania.
That spot still looks the same as it did then.
Is the hot springs a 'pay to bathe' attraction?
Claire is all over the internet- academic interviews, her webste and her Facebook (locked down). Looks like she done good. Many interviews but haven't seen any that mention her father's elite status in the Family, which is refreshing.
orwhut said...
Is the hot springs a 'pay to bathe' attraction?
Yes! They are indoor and outdoor Natural Hot Mineral Spring Baths. They have gender specific, clothing mandatory, and clothing optional ones.
The only other thing in town is the China Ranch Date Farm.
I read a really nice short story by Claire, about growing up in the desert and a rattlesnake in the backyard. She also once posted a youtube tribute to her late mother (it was called "I miss my mom," something like that). There were some nice photos of both of her parents on the tribute. Did her mom also have cancer? I heard very little about her. So sad that the girls lost both of their parents.
Thanks Grump. There used to be a swimming hole with rules similar to that where my relatives lived.
toocrowdedinthishouse said...
Did her mom also have cancer?
She resided and died in the town I live in. I don't know for sure, but I have been told it was drug related. Her and her husband were in and out of rehab many times.
Hippiekiller is right. She nearly filled the first page in my web search. Claire appears to be as fine as her dad thought he was.
Another great pic folks...cool to see
Mr. Patty said, "Is that a recent photo?" "No," Patty responded. But, a timeless one? Yes, perhaps that.
I take it that Mr. Patty isn't as much of a Manson scholar as Mrs. Patty.
He tolerates her weird hobby. ;)
not to be an asshole but- I posted this pic forever and a day ago. But I still love you Patty my bitch!
Oops sorree
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