Friday, October 12, 2012

The Ghost of Cielo Drive, Collection by George E. Smith

These photos are from my collection of 40 years on Sharon Tate and 10050 Cielo Drive. Look for the Ghost at the end of this video. Many of the photos in this video can be found in my book on Sharon Tate. " The House of Sharon Tate "

The rest of George E. Smith's collection on YouTube can be seen HERE.

George has been a collector on Sharon Tate and Cielo Drive since 1972.He has  also taken many photos of the Cielo Drive property since 1975 and is still taking photos of the new house. More to come from George...


cielodrivecom said...

George has taken a lot of great photos over the years. Not to mention having some cool cars as well

Unknown said...

This original house is so much prettier than the crazy freaky hollyweird style house built in the same location!

Patty is Dead said...

Patty loves the then and now photos. Thanks Matt!

TomG said...

From the graphic at 2.23, you can really appreciate how Abigail and Wojciech were running for their lives.

Good photography. Reminds you of those homes up in the hills when they televise the Tour de France in July.

CarolMR said...

How close were Sharon's neighbors? I can never get a good sense of this from any of the photos of Cielo.

TomG said...

Were they close enough to hear gunshots, screams, barking dogs? Cars leaving the area?

Or did they just say WTF wuz dat and roll over to the cool side of the pillow and miss their place in history?

Unknown said...

a ghost! my house is very much haunted and i see and feel weird things but i am a little skeptical of the video ghost just because they could have easily done that. although i have been hoping for the past couple weeks (ever since I started reading helter skelter) that the house is haunted! i wonder if the grounds are haunted now. i googled the address and at first i thought the house standing now was the tate house but i guess not. that house is gorgeous now! and actually the pool is in the same place as it looks (re-done, most likely) - i have the blueprint of the tate house frm the book and i love looking at it. idk wtf i would do w/out the internet while im reading this! LOL! i have always been intrigued w/the manson stuff but there is so much i didnt now! i tought there were only 7 murders. anyhow, my "favorite" has been ruth ann and barbara hoyt...until an hour ago when i found out 1 of them tried to kill the other! oh well, i still like them. barbara was so pretty....and i have been searching high and low for recent pictures of ouisch and cannot find any! i wonder the fate of the zozozee baby or whatever too. hopefully u can direct me to new photos of ruth ann and/or zozezezo - thanks for sharing all the knowledge! i hope this comment isnt too long and annoying! lol! have a good 1 evil liz!

Ajerseydevil said...

Watched it over and over sorry I don't see any ghostly image?

Ajerseydevil said...

Anyone interested Tex,s book Will you die for me its printable on computer for free off his website paper copies no longer available its a short read read it in one night

CarolMR said...

William Marshall, I don't see any ghost, either.

eviliz said...

MeetMiss Jackson said...
a ghost! my house is very much haunted and i see and feel weird things but i am a little skeptical of the video ghost just because they could have easily done that. although i have been hoping for the past couple weeks (ever since I started reading helter skelter) that the house is haunted! i wonder if the grounds are haunted now. i googled the address and at first i thought the house standing now was the tate house but i guess not. that house is gorgeous now! and actually the pool is in the same place as it looks (re-done, most likely) - i have the blueprint of the tate house frm the book and i love looking at it. idk wtf i would do w/out the internet while im reading this! LOL! i have always been intrigued w/the manson stuff but there is so much i didnt now! i tought there were only 7 murders. anyhow, my "favorite" has been ruth ann and barbara hoyt...until an hour ago when i found out 1 of them tried to kill the other! oh well, i still like them. barbara was so pretty....and i have been searching high and low for recent pictures of ouisch and cannot find any! i wonder the fate of the zozozee baby or whatever too. hopefully u can direct me to new photos of ruth ann and/or zozezezo - thanks for sharing all the knowledge! i hope this comment isnt too long and annoying! lol! have a good 1 evil liz!

We no longer have the recent Ruth pics posted. Sorry.

George Vreeland Hill said...

I live near Cielo Drive.
I have seen things that can't be explained.

George Vreeland Hill

Jenn said...

Can you elaborate?