A couple of years ago, there were, like eight hundred moves about The Family in pre production, none of which have yet come to fruition. It appears that "Prettyface" may be gaining some traction with slick new movie posters, a website and facebook page though IMDB says it is still "in production:"
Think it will happen? Go to
http://www.prettyfacemovie.com/ and see what you think...
Anybody here seen Van Bebber's 'The Manson Family'? I just picked it up on DVD yesterday, and aside from a quick flick-through to (naturally) check out the nude scenes I haven't watched it yet. My only real impression so far is that the guy playing Bobby in the interviews looks way more like Danny DeCarlo. Also, I'm guessing this movie must be pretty liberal with the facts, since Patricia Krenwinkel is smoking hot. My god.
Pat didn't toke? How can you be in the Manson Family and not smoke weed or drop acid?
Funny, Suze. Glad to see you give us men a bit more credit about what we're thinking about.
Hahahaha! Looked at that too early in the morning!
No one in this film looks remotely like the person they are meant to be portraying.
The woman playing Pat has some of the nicest titties I've seen.
Blogger has a stats counter where we can see what posts are most interesting to people over the course of time. For some reason, Prettyface posts from last year have been trending all month. Why?
Adam cracks Matt up once again!
good movie, watch the interviews/extras scenes
i saw "something witchy" in the preview.
sherm maniac said... Anybody here seen Van Bebber's 'The Manson Family'?
You're right, the girl who played Pat, was hot. I liked the one who played Sadies even more. If you're really into that movie you might want to see The Manson Family: Bonus Material. It's available on DVD from Netflix.
Not really into it, haven't properly watched it yet. Holding off for now, as it really looks like one of those movies that is much better when intoxicated.
Intoxicated on something mildly hallucinogenic, probably. In my view it would be a slight to the Family's good name (lol) to watch it in any other state.
starship: never give me any credit. My mind is not in the gutter, it's 10 metres below and someone threw up on it.
Hi Panamint Patty: Just wanted to give an update on this project. We will be shooting a proof-of-cancept short this July starring Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers as Charlie and produced by Academy Award Winning producer, Fred Roos. Casting has begun for other rolls. You can check out the grab trailer here: igg.me/at/prettyface - the film takes place in June 1969 at Spahn Ranch and the surrounding areas.
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