"the real (generation) gap is in the rules, regulations, morals and codes. The kids aren't sitting back and taking it anymore; they're questioning the old codes. This is a brighter more intelligent generation. A 16 year old talking to a policeman usually knows more than he does."

In 1975, Adler produced the cult classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show. In 1978, Adler directed the movie Up In Smoke, starring Cheech & Chong. His 1981 film, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains with Diane Lane was barely released, but is a great favorite of Panamint Patty's.
Lou Adler, now: Adler lives and works in Malibu. He is married to Page Hannah, younger sister of actress Daryl Hannah. Adler can often be seen sitting courtside next to Jack Nicholson at Los Angeles Lakers home games. Adler owns The Roxy Theatre with his son Nic, who operates the historic music venue on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood.
Seems like Lou knows all the right people! What else does he know? Patty is damned curious. Sandoz LSD, anyone? (Patty hears BELs). Whatever. It's safe to assume that dude is "experienced," and Patty would love to be a fly on his wall...
Ah, Lou Adler, one of hundreds (or thousands) of men that Michelle Phillips showed her squirrel to.
The Polanski rape was at Nicholson's house. OO ee OO?
The Polanski rape was at Nicholson's house. OO ee OO?
Sorry about double post. Forget about Kevin Bacon, pretty much all of Hollywood is two degrees of Charlie Manson.
Bobby Jameson featured in the film Mondo Hollywood as did Jay Sebring & Bobby Beausoleil 00 ee 00
Didn't Lou Adler date Peggy Lipton for many years? I think Peggy was a friend of Sharon's and attended her funeral, but I'm not sure.
BTW, Shelley Fabares was married to Lou from 1964-1980. She wouldn't give him a divorce for the longest time because of her Catholic faith.
Once we figure out who John Griggs, founder of the BEL, stole the Sandoz LSD from, then we have our "syndicate" connection. Adler is Patty's best guess so far.
Hi SJ good to see you
Lou Adler was in a relationship with Britt Ekland when Michelle Phillips tried to break up his relationship.
Patty, could you elaborate a little for me on the possible connection you are making between Adler, Jameson and Sandoz? I realize you're just shaking trees and I admire your dedication to finding the link from BEL to The Family - I think I'm just not clear on your dot connecting.
And yeah, 8a179. Funny that the Geimer rape takes place at Nicholson's house - at least in the context of this discussion.
She was a real piece of work
did u read Tendler/May and Schou, Matt? the acid came from somewhere. It was supposed to be in Malibu, 1966, in the middle of a dinner party. The Sandoz stuff was first, before the BEL started cranking out orange sunshine. Granted there are a number of producers that lived in Malibu at that time, but there is a cluster of them that were all party people. Patty still thinks that the murders were over money: someone trying to tell the poles to stay out of it. Griggs died just days before Cielo. Who got rich? Who has managed to keep their name out of it for so many years? Its a short list.
AND she thinks law enforcement knew more than they were letting on to. Just let us hear the damned tapes, right?
I read Tendler/may and thought that the LSD was stolen from a movie producer living in or around Mulholland drive?
You may be right about Mulholland though. Patty sometimes throws Malibu in prematurely. Mia culpa. She heard about Malibu on a tip, hasnt looked into it closely enough. BTW where would she look for a list of folks living in The Colony? Is that super secret?
try that link. Chapter 7. Although it would be worth checking an actual print copy if you have one...sadly, I do not.
OK, Schou, p. 21 says "in the hills" referring to Hollywood. The producer is a Hollywood producer, so everyone always assumes film. Adler did help produce the film vdrsion of the Pop Festival, and he is described as "flamboyant."
whoever the 'Producer' is, he ain't giving it away easy, which isn't really suprising. Whats bothered me about this story (if its true) is the simple way its always related. So, Griggs and friends are just a happy go lucky bunch of pot dealing bikers who one day just happen to hear about a this new drug called acid which a Hollywood guy has a ton of, and decide to tool up and rip it off...Then, after being knocked sideways into another universe by this stuff, they virtually overnight turn into hippy pot/lsd dealers on a scale 1000 times bigger. hmmmmm. Sorry don't buy it.
Whilst its not out of the bounds of possibility, it's a long way down the road of probability.
YES! tnere is much more to the story. Patty is really interested in Bobby Jameson's blog. Will something "click" for us?
its all very much like archaeology now Patty. We can get the lay of the land, examine any surface relics, but the real treasure is buried deep. So deep that it's likely that only a few little gems will come out. Then again, Champollion deciphered the hieroglyphics of the Egyptians from a broken stone tablet...and that led the discovery of their entire culture...so who know?
This from Jameson's blog, dated 4/30/08: "In 1967, I started dating Deana Martin, the daughter of Dean Martin. I used to spend a lot of time at the Martin house, and it was just another one of the many contradictions about my life...I met Terry Melcher at the Martin house, and he was dating Gina Martin, the older sister of Deana. We did not like each other. Terry considered me another run of the mill singer/song writer, and I considered him the no talent son of Doris Day."
May 2, 2008: "I had very good luck with LSD until I ran into some of the very first Owsley Acid to hit Southern California. I knew a film director named HENRY JAGLOM, and he'd gotten a batch of this from San Francisco. He'd been warned about the stuff, and told that it was not your run of the mill street shit that had been floating around L.A. for the last couple of years." Who the hell is Jaglom? Patty must find out! LOL
Now Mr Jaglom does look interesting...nice find Miss Patty.
March 22, 2008: "I started living with Jeff and Stu Eisen up off WOODROW WILSON DRIVE above Laurel Canyon. Stuie and Jeffie, as they were called, used to sell a lot of LSD, and for the most part it was still legal at the time. I moved into their house, along with a lot of other people, so I could be close to the source of the acid. The trouble was I was too close, so I spent a lot of time loaded on it. It was during that time when the use of downers increased as a way to compensate for getting fried on acid a lot."
I've tried searching Eisen, cross referenced with just about anything else I thought might be a match, but cant find anything. shame, the location and times were sooooo close.
Jameson got one thing wrong: Gina Martin is the younger sister of Deana. Henry Jaglom is an actor and director. He appeared on The Flying Nun and Gidget. He was a friend of Jack Nicholson and he appeared in Nicholson's film Drive, He Said. He and Nicholson also edited Easy Rider. Jaglom was also a close friend of Natalie Wood and was sometimes her escort in the 60s.
yep, Jaglom was a well connected guy. Was also a good friend of Orson Welles, until Jaglom taped conversations with Welles without his knowledge, and made them public.
Sounds like all roads lead back to Laurel Canyon (center of the KILL zone) I mapped out for you long ago.
Woodrow Wilson Drive is, of course, where Mama Cass lived.
As well as Bernard Crowe.
Robert, Patty appreciates that you probably already knew most of this. She thinks however that because you lived it, that because you were there, you are not impartial. Patty is an outsider as are most of us here. We have to come with you a bit more slowly because were looking down from way up high, not looking around from ground zero. Make sense? That being said, have you ever met Jaglom? Impressions?
The number of interesting folk who lived almost on top of each other at that time is staggering. The diversity of lifestyles and occupations which interacted on a social level is unusual to say the least. not so much a case of 'six degrees of separation' more like ' 6'000'000 degrees of integration'
Whilst the darker conspiracies relating to this are hard for me to believe, there does appear to be something very strange going on at the time.
Andy, please do Patty the honor of sending her an email.
Imagine YOU are watching MANSON at the CineFamily theater and you levitate up and out of the theater. Outside and up in the air you travel North up Fairfax to the bottom of the hill, where you then take a left turn a short distance to the entrance to Laural Canyon. As you go up LC Blvd a short ways you will look down on the country store where everyone (actors & musicians) gather. From there you can see Jim Morrison on his balcony and guess who exits the back of the store (shes living in the basement). Ther're all down there. Now levitate higher above the hills and look East and West.
There to your left is the Tate house and equidistant from LC is the LaBianca house, but to the right.
Ah, if man could only fly, what a perspective he would have. Of course, a little tab of God's Sunshine and most anyone can fly. Where Oh where can I get me some of that?
e-mail sent Miss Patty. I hope it gets to you, as I cannot mail direct from the links on the homepage.
who was in the basement, Robert?
Robert H. first of all .....during that era I was a lil too young to realize, second to that I was thousands miles away in Europe as a four year old todler. But I would almost sell my soul to be there during that time, as a young adult ofcourse Owh,BTW did read a nice thing on the WWW about the ,Store where the creatures Meet, (love street - Doors) http://www.laweekly.com/westcoastsound/2012/11/30/the-laurel-canyon-country-stores-interesting-musical-history?showFullText=true
@ Patty,....If you read the link in my previous post, youll find out who lived in that basement. Greetz H.
I get to LA about every 6-8 weeks (I live in San Luis Obispo) on music business or just shopping. I go to LC almost every time. The vibe is still unique. I'll collected many of the addresses of the 60s music folk, and I love looking at those places and remembering what happened there. Here's the house where Joni and Graham lived and wrote. There's the house where David, Stephen, and Graham first sang harmony together. Over there is where Tork had his infamous parties. It's a unique place.
Cass! thanks, Hans. xoxo
OK so like half of the comments on Patty's post are Patty's. But now that she has your attention, can you enlighten her on a piece of Cass trivia? She supposedly took the name !Elliot" for a friend who died. Who was that friend? Whats that story?
Jenn, please shoot me an email...
@Patty,.....thats a difficult one you are asking. I remember reading somewhere that she took the surname Elliot from a friend who died in a Car Accident, thats all I know and all I can fiend. What I do know is that her Daughter Owen Elliot-Kugell runs her official Web-Site. Maybe you can contact and ask the question....... Greetz H
Hi all, I thought I would post here as I didn't see an intro. yourself space. Been lurking for over a year, itching to join in too. So thought I would ask permission first.I did email Matt a while ago asking how to join and am sure he said just post, so before I add comments and thoughts I thought I would check if it was ok to do so.
Strix, welcome!
Yes Strix, welcome! Anyone is allowed to post comments. We aren't teachers, we're students. Sometimes we learn the most from those who think they know less than us.
Am I right, gang?
"Am I right, gang?"
You're right, Matt.
Greetings fellow truthseekers. Some may find of interest this forthcoming new book on Canyon goings-on--replete with CM/Family appearances--from a "counter-culture conspiracy" perspective; see:
I have no connection to/financial angle here, just personal interest in reading it and pointing it out to others who likewise may find it intriguing.
Nice name! Welcome.
Thankyou. I live in the UK and so do not have half of the access to Manson material as you guys do.However, I have followed this case for over 40 years---- yep I am THAT old!!!
Mr Jaglom strikes me as very interesting he knew/worked with Dennis Hopper, The Fug says Hopper had tapes of curious happenings filmed with Holywood greats at Cielo.I think all parties involved lived a very hedonistic lifestyle that doesn't imply I feel they deserved their fates no way but I honestly think their true lifestyles will never be known.Its a sad fact that if anyone in the public eye dies in suspicious circumstances then friends will flush all illegal substances and anything else dodgy before calling for help,sad but thats what happened to Hendrix, so covering up to save any awkward questions or hints of scandal is the norm.
In one way or another everyone is linked. Remember Manson was said to have used Cary Grants personal suite at the film studios now thats an unlikely duo but evidence seems to support this.
Thankyou. I live in the UK and so do not have half of the access to Manson material as you guys do.However, I have followed this case for over 40 years---- yep I am THAT old!!!
Mr Jaglom strikes me as very interesting he knew/worked with Dennis Hopper, The Fug says Hopper had tapes of curious happenings filmed with Holywood greats at Cielo.I think all parties involved lived a very hedonistic lifestyle that doesn't imply I feel they deserved their fates no way but I honestly think their true lifestyles will never be known.Its a sad fact that if anyone in the public eye dies in suspicious circumstances then friends will flush all illegal substances and anything else dodgy before calling for help,sad but thats what happened to Hendrix, so covering up to save any awkward questions or hints of scandal is the norm.
In one way or another everyone is linked. Remember Manson was said to have used Cary Grants personal suite at the film studios now thats an unlikely duo but evidence seems to support this.
Hi Strix,
I'm also in the uk, and know what you mean about the disadvantages due to location. It's still possible to gather a lot of info, but, as with any interwebby related research, separating the wheat from the chaff is vital.
The connections that span out, or should that be 'Spahn out', from Manson are mind bending, but I actually got pulled into this from an interest in the music of the period. I was quickly coming across references to people and events that turn up in other interests of mine related to the 60's and 70's. Even by applying the most sceptical of approaches, it's hard to believe that a deeper mystery, a much larger mystery lies at the heart the Manson affair.
last line should read
"Even by applying the most sceptical of approaches, it's NOT hard to believe that a deeper mystery, a much larger mystery lies at the heart the Manson affair.
Haha you said "the Fug." Starship calls him "That Fug" LPAO
Dennis Hopper made some pretty outrageous accusations - he said several Cielo victims were into kiddie porn. Don't know if I believe him.
Depends on who the kiddies were: like Ruth, Diane, Sherri, et al. That Patty just might believevery.
Manson made similar accusations.
Max, yes, Manson made the same accusations. Didn't Manson (or maybe Hopper) also mention beastiality? Sounds a little crazy, even for the 60s.
About the kiddy-porn accusations...... I mean, Polanski himself prooved later in his ,career, to the World that he wasnt unfamilair with that kinda things.....Who knows what was going on for years,underground, in secret. And as I can remember Manson said something in the Ron Reagan J.R. intervieuw
Thanks again for the welcomes.I'm sorry to post randomly but due to my location-- remote woodland log cabin- my internet is often hit and miss!
Hello Andy my fellow UK ite.
I manage to buy a lot of Mansony stuff via auction sites and book shops will order me things, but DVD's are impossible.I contacted my Hendrickson asking if he sends out to the UK and he will but my ancient dvd player will not play them, very frustrating.Wish this site had a intro. yourself place as I feel I should explain my interest in this crazy case and why and also why Mr M and Co. almost got me expelled from school.
strix, email one of us with your story. Who knows we might find it post worthy!
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