From "The Family"
"The Process spent time at the Barrymore Mansion, and may have attended parties there for show business personalities."

More from "The Family"
"Some (of The Process) may have been staying at the Barrymore Mansion on Summit Ridge when the vicious dogs went after Roman Polanski"
This mansion is only a few blocks from the home that the Polanski's rented from Patty Duke at 1600 Summitridge Drive. Yes, Barrymore is the same family as in Drew Barrymore.
Again more excellent pics Ken! You really know your locations! Thank you!
Wait tell you see what's coming!
Great Pix, Ken.
I Googled the address to find out which Barrymore lived in the house and came up with John, Dru's grandfather, I think. The house seems to be for sale. Did you notice a sign?
Here's a short URL of the ad.
No sign for sale. The landscaping was a suprise. Driving to it, you pass many homes through Beverly Hills whoes landscaping must cost millions. Then, once you leave the city limits, there is the Barrymore Mansion. The Beverly Hills city limit sign is on the property line to the left.
Ken619 said:
Wait tell you see what's coming!
I can't wait! Wish I could tag along!
the 68-70 Corvette just fits the photo
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