In the interest of keeping the victims from being any further demeaned than they already have about bringing on their own deaths by insinuating that Roman Polanski sent trunks filled with the drug MDA to Sharon--and therefor making her an accomplice--I think there are a couple of thoughts to keep in mind concerning MDA.
I realize that if you go on the internet to search the history of the drug it will say that it was made illegal in 1970--therefore in "revatron's" opinion it had been around for years--and it had, in the synthetic pharmaceutical testing stages--just as LSD had been around since before the 1940's. Nevertheless, these are drug histories that are being written years after the fact.
But, lets go back to 1969 and what we know are the facts of what was happening in the investigation of Sharon's murder. Of note in the first Tate homicide report: "...Harrigan became quite friendly with Frykowski and Folger. This was mainly due to the fact that Frykowski was interested in known drugs on the market, in addition to future synthetic drugs that were being made in eastern Canada. ...Harrigan told Frykowski that they would obtain the new synthetic drug, MDA, from Canada and allow him to be one of the first to try it. This conversation or agreement apparently took place sometime in the early part of July, 1969 at the Polanski home...
Of further note, we have one of Lt. Bob Helder's portions of Five Down on Cielo, his book collaboration with PJ Tate written in 1970 :
What we needed was a stronger motive for revenge. Perhaps concrete evidence of a dope burn. Along these lines we pursued Kraznowski's account of Frykowski and Harrigan's discussions about the new drug MDA. We knew that the coroner had found an unknown drug in the urine specimens taken from Abigail Folger and Woytek Frykowski. I inquired whether the Coroner's Dept. was aware of this new drug. No came their reply. I checked with the chemists of our own crime lab and they too were not aware of it. So, I contacted the local agent for the FBI of Narcotics and asked if he could locate a sample. He rang back twenty minutes later to tell me that the drug was so new their laboratory in Washington only had a single tablet but they would be willing to send us a portion of it air mail special delivery. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me and I looked up the phone number of Paul Caruso, Tom Harrigan's attorney. I told him our problem and asked if he thought he might be able to get Harrigan to deliver a sample of MDA to his office if I would guarantee no questions asked. An hour later, a brown paper sack containing 25 tablets was delivered to my office. I took five of the tablets to the Coroner's office and sent the remaining 20 to the FBI.
Alisa Statman
Great thread Matt.
Very interesting comment. The only person who I know that is saying the drugs came in the trunk lately was the Anon and that was an aside on her part. As you fairly pointed out, there were issues of credibility on the part of the Anon.
As you will agree, credibility is a keystone. In that direction, I do wish that one day the '5 Down on Cielo Drive' will be made available so we could see it.
Matt, since you have contact with Ms Statman any chance you can see if she'll discuss what Mr Kay said on the Brian Davis Radio Show --available on podcast-- regarding the confrontation between Kay and Krenwinkle at the prison yard? The one that Ms Statman says occurred and that Mr Kay say's didn't occur?
Why make a drug illegal if no one can get it?
The fact is that MDA was on the drug market and it was popular. That doesn't mean there wasn't a black market for it.
But to think that this stuff only came from Canada and that Frykowski was going to get the first sample in LA is really silly, sloppy, and lazy.
It wouldn't matter to me if people at Cielo were selling crack at grade schools...
The fact is that nobody has the right to do what they did to those people at those homes...
Making justifications of any type for what went down is not fair. In this instance it isn't even true- which is even worse.
Making accusations about a dead person who was attacked in her home when pregnant and is not around to defend herself- is classless...
if you ask me :)
With the advent of MDA came a proliferation of other "designer drugs," many of which are listed in Tikal and Pikal. The drugs were being discovered so quickly that the FDA could not possibly keep up with it. This is the same thing that is going on today with "bath salts," etc. They are not yet illegal yet because the FDA is just now catching up with the chemists.
Y'all should also remember that in the 60's, there was less of the stigma associated with psychedelics as there is today. People who were experimenting with them thought of themselves as pioneers, on the cutting edge of making life better for the entire human race. Patty does not necessarily agree with this viewpoint, but that is the way it was. Perfectly "respectable" people were manufacturing and distributing psychedelics in the beginning before someone found out that you could make a profit off of them. That's when things got out of control.
In the summer of '69: different groups of people were trying to corner the market and take over distribution chains that were already in place: this was a valuable infrastructure that some less scrupulous parties tried to exploit, a'la Ronald Stark.
Patty still thinks there is a lot of truth to the drug theory. This does not make any of the victims "bad people," they were just people of their time, doing what everybody else was doing. Compare this cultural phenomenon to the one in the last decade where everyone sucked all of the equity out of their homes to buy boats, fancy cars, and exotic vacations. It seems stupid now, but "everyone was doing it," and no one wanted to be left out. Same thing, IPHO.
Patty is particularly interested right now in a clandesine BEL lab set up by Nick Sand, et al in Windsor, CA, just north of Santa Rosa on the 101. That lab is very close/accessible via the 101 to the Dulaney murder site, Guerneville, and Booneville where "the Witches of Mendocino" took up residence. Many other outposts of the BEL are also located on the 101 including Santa Barbara and Grant's Pass, OR. Remember in The Family how Ed Sanders writes that Gary had visitors from Santa Barbara right before he was murdered? Hmmmm.
The Sand laboratory was most active from January to June of 1969. There is something to it, it makes sense from a historical perspective when you step back and look at "the big picture." We have to consider the times when looking at what happened; the murders did not happen in a vacuum.
@ST: you are a respectable professional, and you do drugs. Does that make you a bad person? No, of course not. And, no one "deserved" to get murdered, Patty agrees with you on that, 100%.
more importantly Patty- the guy I get my weed from is someone I have known since 9'th grade. he only sells to about 5 or 6 of the same people all these 25 years or so- to make his own bags cheaper...
would it be cool if someone broke into his house and stabbed him 40 times and then said it was o.k. because he sells drugs??
it wouldn't make me feel any better if in lost to him to something like that...
Ya know. I am open to almost any theory at this point. But if it was drugs at Cielo-
Why did they leave drugs behind?
if they went looking for something- they would have checked most of the places the cops found various stuff- why didn't they take them??
that puzzles me- if drugs were the main motive. Like the way cops rule out robbery in home invasions as a motive when they find wallets or purses still filled with dough
yeah maybe that was a bad example...
and regardless of my own respectability or lack of
it doesn't make a difference to me if is me and mine or anyone of any inkling in life...
drugs are illegal and I know that. I am not saying it is right or better because it is me or anyone else...
I am saying please dont stab us 50 times for it- it isn't up to any of us to make those types of decisions...
seems silly to even have to say that- but then again I brought up crack and grade schools...
BTW Patty still loves you, ST.
and I always love all of you...
you know that
Likely, The Family was after the drug MONEY and the right to distribute the drugs, not the actual drugs themselves. It is said that the BEL had "thirty regional distributorships" set up along the West Coast. One such territory could easily have been The Valley, from which access to Spahn Ranch was very easy, indeed. Notice that many Family members were from this area, i.e., "Simi Valley Sherri," and also Little Paul if Patty is remembering correctly. Kids came from all over to get high at Spahn, it was a notorious place where there were many, many drugs changing hands.
Charlie needed to finance his revolution, somehow. Too bad he sent Stabby Tex the meth freak. Bad move, dude.
Johnnyseattle said...Matt, since you have contact with Ms Statman any chance you can see if she'll discuss what Mr Kay said on the Brian Davis Radio Show --available on podcast-- regarding the confrontation between Kay and Krenwinkle at the prison yard? The one that Ms Statman says occurred and that Mr Kay say's didn't occur?
Below is the letter that I sent to Mr. Kay after I heard about the podcast--he has not responded.
Dear Mr. Kay:
It’s been brought to my attention that you went onto Brian Davis’ radio program to say that what was written in Restless Souls was fabricated.
Considering that we did have a conversation back in 1994 regarding Krenwinkel’s hearing, it makes me very sad that you would make such an accusation. Enclosed are the notes that I took during that conversation. Perhaps they will jar your memory.
I’m sure that over the years since Patti’s death that Debbie Tate has filled your head with many false and negative notions about my character. Nevertheless, Restless Souls was written (over an 18 year span) as a loving tribute to the positive energy that the Tate family left behind.
When writing the manuscript, I considered you a part of that positive force; the spark, if you will, that ignited Gwen’s quest. The portion written on Krenwinkel’s hearing was not meant to be sensationalistic, but simply my recollection of the events as you so long ago described them. And so, it is heartbreaking to see you jump on the bandwagon with those such as Debbie, Robin Olsen, and Brian Davis, who have banded together to make it their mission in life to try to turn Restless Souls into something negative and sinister—in Davis’ case, without (admittedly) reading a single page of the book.
I’ve been dealing with Debbie and Robin Olsen’s smear campaign since 2000. Olsen is a highly disturbed and unbalanced individual who went so far as to write an eerie and degrading, 10-page dossier about me to send to PJ Tate in 2001, who then in turn gave it to me and told me to burn it. Enclosed are a couple of those pages.
I’ve also enclosed Davis’ letter to me because I believe it shows his true character in a matter that can’t be easily explained.
The saddest part in all this is that you would chose to turn your back on Patti’s daughter and Gwen’s granddaughter to fuel this fire, and in so doing, empower Davis and Olsen with more fodder to sling at Brie and I.
I truly wish that you’d given Brie and I even the slightest benefit of a doubt that our intentions in publishing Restless Souls were true and honorable before your radio interview.
Alisa Statman
Hey Matt/Patty/Liz...
I am blocking some days in May for my birthday to go back out to L.A,....
PLEASE let me come this time if you do another tour...
Ill be quiet and stop double spacing for the rest of the interim if you let me in...
Mrs. Statman- your book was the very best on any subject I have read in the last couple of years
You did much justice to yourself and the Tate family. I couldn't put it down.
( Although I am really diggin this stuff on the Brotherhood of Eternal Sunshine)
I keep doing that- maybe it is MS.Statman???
whatever is appropriate if you please
ST, we'll keep you posted. But The Evil One hates flying so we shall see. It took an act of god to get her to Cali last time...LOL
Well you tell the exhaulted one- who used to say hello to me once in awhile...
ooops no double spacing. I will pick her ass up and drive her if she includes me this time. I want some guided tours next time too!! We can talk the whole three day ride out their. That should swing her :)
ST. Circumstance said...
Mrs. Statman- your book was the very best on any subject I have read in the last couple of years
You did much justice to yourself and the Tate family. I couldn't put it down.
Thank you ST Circumstance. That means a lot to me.
( Although I am really diggin this stuff on the Brotherhood of Eternal Sunshine)
( blush)
Long time reader, first time posting. I've been reading all the TLB blogs for months now, and have read several books, including Restless Souls. I don't understand the hate spewed at Ms. Statman. Like ST, I loved the book, and thought it brought the Tate family to life.
I also saw the hateful post over at Star City Radio, and read much of the discussion board. What would Ms. Statman gain by lying either in her book or about writing to Mr. Kay? Absolutely nothing. I think Mr. Kay simply doesn't remember at this point, and that Brian Davis is using Kay's lack of memory to start an unwarranted attack.
For some reason, Mr. Davis hates Alisa Statman. Why? What did she ever do to him? Nothing, from what I can tell. He just sounds like an angry, insecure guy to me. Or maybe he's just trying to garner attention for his show.
Hello Danielle :)
It really was such an awesome book.
so sad it took me so long to get interested in that side of it...
But it changed me viewpoint forever
and made me realize I was always right on about what a shit Roman was...
but that is for another time
Danielle White said...
Long time reader, first time posting. I've been reading all the TLB blogs for months now, and have read several books, including Restless Souls. I don't understand the hate spewed at Ms. Statman. Like ST, I loved the book, and thought it brought the Tate family to life.
I also saw the hateful post over at Star City Radio, and read much of the discussion board. What would Ms. Statman gain by lying either in her book or about writing to Mr. Kay? Absolutely nothing. I think Mr. Kay simply doesn't remember at this point, and that Brian Davis is using Kay's lack of memory to start an unwarranted attack.
For some reason, Mr. Davis hates Alisa Statman. Why? What did she ever do to him? Nothing, from what I can tell. He just sounds like an angry, insecure guy to me. Or maybe he's just trying to garner attention for his show.
Thank you for your post Danielle. You ask many questions that are on the tip of my mind.
If anyone doubts that I wrote Mr. Kay the above letter, I would say that he's not a hard man to find and I would invite anyone to contact him to verify it.
"I also saw the hateful post over at Star City Radio, and read much of the discussion board. What would Ms. Statman gain by lying either in her book or about writing to Mr. Kay? Absolutely nothing. I think Mr. Kay simply doesn't remember at this point, and that Brian Davis is using Kay's lack of memory to start an unwarranted attack. "
if you listen to the clip from the interview, available at brian's website star city radio, mr kay is clear that it didn't happen. he doesn't allow for any lack of memory, he says flat out it didn't happen.
i know the blog thread is on moderation, but i am hoping that out of fairness the folks here will post brian's comment in response.
Interesting that Paul Caruso represented both Tom Harrigan, and at one point Susan Atkins. Small world
Panamint Patty said...
ST, we'll keep you posted. But The Evil One hates flying so we shall see. It took an act of god to get her to Cali last time...LOL
I have a broom for that now. HA
The only thing keeping me from next year is finances. Maybe if I win the lottery. Plus my daughter insists on coming next time so that's an extra couple of bucks.
But I would be much happier flying with someone.
ST. Circumstance said...
Well you tell the exhaulted one- who used to say hello to me once in awhile...
ooops no double spacing. I will pick her ass up and drive her if she includes me this time. I want some guided tours next time too!! We can talk the whole three day ride out their. That should swing her :)
Hello My Saint. Sounds good.
I shall bring the weed and The Lil' Evil One. Sorry I have been neglecting my duties here and there. I just landed a new job and it exhausts me. LOL
Danielle White said...
Long time reader, first time posting.
Hello Danielle thanks for joining us post wise!
Hey ST 1st off great screen name shows your love and devotion to the band I to enjoyed this book and agree it makes Sharon seem more human. Found the parts about her father's investigation really interesting never knew how close he came to taking street justice.
Although I have become a huge fan of Col.Scott. his venomous remarks regarding Patty Tate still brought sadness and pain to this heart.
Hey William Marshall I have never made a venomous remark about Patti Tate. Fuck off and learn to spell the woman's name right at least.
No brawling, please.
He's not brawling, he is just using his charm we love so much!
Col Scott IM actually huge fan of your page
My mistake it's Sharon's other sister you have so much Hatred for.
Agreed she's made many bad decisions but considering all that happened to her during childhood.. Feel she's deserving of better treatment. I don't make this shit personal against anyone.
Find your website very informative spent hours days on there.
Matt thanks for the heads up IM not at all surprised to be included in the wrath one day
Eviliz said, "He's not brawling, he is just using his charm we love so much!"
Yeah, UR right, Patty can be a real prude sometimes. May the Evilist forgive her if she's outta line about being outta line.
Thanx miss Patty Im actually feeling part of the group now Found his response a welcome sighn he dosent like many people or things he corrected me but was well aware who I was referring to. Col.you write a great blog same here eviliz has a much kinder aproch It's intertainment peace
What continues to irritate me about the "Restless Souls" haters and those who continue to disparage Alisa and Brie is that none of them seem to realize that no reputable publishing house would have DARED put something in print, of this magnitude, unless Alisa and Brie had ensured that all of their proverbial Ts had been crossed and their Is dotted.
This book was beautifully written and opened our eyes to the plight of the Tate Family after these horrific murders. It showed how these events of 1969, some 43 years ago, have continued to affect the generations of the Tate Family to come, not to mention the other victims, and yes, to some extent, the general public.
If you don't like it, or have some ridiculous beef with Alisa or Brie, then don't buy the book, don't read it. Quite frankly, I don't believe that either of these lovely ladies would give a hoot. They obviously didn't put this book together to make money. In fact, the writing of this book must have been excruciatingly painful to both of these ladies because it re-opened the wounds that they have been dealing with all of these years, and I'm not speaking of the murders, but of the lives that became affected by them -- those of Patti, Doris, PJ, etc...Brie's life was affected regardless of the fact that she never knew her Aunt Sharon.
I'm going off on a tangent...too much caffeine this morning...
But to all of those naysayers..get lost!
Thank you so much. What I appreciate most about your commentary is that it focuses on what the book is about—the aftermath of the murders through two generations—instead of what the book is not about and those omitted.
It’s also nice to see that there are those that chose to acknowledge the fact that the 3 individuals who are the focus of Restless Souls—Patti, PJ, and Doris—were Brie’s grandparents and her mother and she was certainly as close to them, and understood their feelings as much as anyone else on the planet.
You are so welcome, Alisa.
Thank you for responding with such kind words.
No doubt, this horror will continue to pass through Patty's children, grandchildren, and much further down the line.
These crimes will continue to be studied and dissected for a very long time and unfortunately will forever tie anyone related to or associated with the victims to them.
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