So, what are the pros & cons of releasing Bruce Davis into society after 40 years? Let us make a quick list to weigh in the key issues, shall we?
1. He is 70 years old (low changes of recidivism)
2. Became a born-again Christian in prison, and preaches to other inmates (doesn't mean shit)
3. Has earned a master's degree AND docorate while incarcerated (an educated murderer)
4. Claims that he works to help other people to make good choices, and to have spiritual connections (rolling my eyes)
5. Has attended numerous self-help classes over the years (yawn)
6. I can't think of anything else (this is what comments are for)
1. Was involved in two brutal, and violent crimes
2. Has been present when others died (Zero, possibly others)
3. Continued being in denial for many years after the murders
4. Continued a "friendship" with good ol "Tex" behind bars
5. Very good chance that he is responsible for other deaths
6. Lied for years about his actual involvement
7. Is really creepy-looking (just an opinion)
Now, what will Governor Brown do? Do you think he might use my list to decide? More importantly, what do our readers think? I know I am missing a lot more stuff. I just can't think clearly right now. Just getting ove the flu. Comments? I know one individual who will defintely find time out of his busy schedule to give his opinions on the issue.
Had his honeymoon with Brenda in a sewer...
And I do think he's getting out this time.
Which sucks but that is the tide of this great nation. I'm sure the people of California are sick of paying for him, but even when he's out I doubt he's going to go get a job and start (finally) paying into the system. Hope he doesn't move to my neck of the woods!
He once apparently drove a Corvair. Keep him locked up!
The difference between Bobby and Bruce is that Bruce knows how to work the system and Bobby runs on principle and arrogance. I find Bruce to be a lot scarier person to be released than Bobby. Still waters run deep and Bruce has many secrets buried deep, IMO.
I understand that he was quite the anti-semite back in the day. Hopefully his 'faith' has washed him clean of such stains. My memory also seems to tell me that the Sharpe/Gaul murders (if perpetrated by him) may have been at least in part motivated by hate.
43 Years is a long time to consider one's shortcomings. I say he's a fair risk.
I never knew if it was true or not, did he actually marry Brenda?
Lauren I was just thinking about that. There is no doubt that Nancy Pitman did marry someone April 20 1970 in Las Vegas, the name on the record is Mark Rollins Grant. The question is, did she marry Bruce Davis? Was he using an alias? I've thought yes, it was him and the purpose may have been because a spouse can not be compelled to testify against a spouse in a court of law.
A divorce was filed in Los Angeles April 1971.
I was just reading Bruce's 2012 parole hearing at Cielodrive. In the hearing Bruce says he was never married before being arrested for the murders. Was he lying?
If Bruce was not using an alias to marry Pitman, who the hell is Mark Grant?
Don't think he deserves parole very likely involved in the murder of Doreen Gaul and Joel Pugh
Also read Bruce was the one who wiped the 22 zero died from clean of prints how they all pulled that off still amazes me Zero died playing Russian roulette with a fully loaded revolver that was found by police wiped clean of prints but back in holster
Really??? We want a justice system that denies parole on the basis of someone being "creepy" and "very likely" to have been involved in other crimes.
Forty-three years and no solid evidence of Davis being involved in other murders.
I am NOT a Bruce fan, but I am also not a fan of "emotional justice", i.e., justice based on feelings instead of the letter of the law.
The ONLY question here is if Davis is judged on the same basis and criteria of having committed murder, OR if he is judged on being a Manson follower. Everything else is horseshit.
Speaking of creepy, Charlie's pal Alvin Karpis was paroled and he did a whole lot more direct killing that Davis did. Reality is Bruce drove the car to Hinmann's and inflicted one superficial wound on Shorty. He is guility of murder, yes, but he is not repsonsible for the visciousness of Bobby and Tex and Grogan.
Let's remember - OJ got off because his jury practiced "emotional justice".
Whatever Davis may or may not have been, he deserves to be judged on who he is today and the work he has done to rehabilitate himself.
And he deserves be to judged sans Manson, if that is at all possible.
Very good points, Leary7.
No proof of course not they have yet to prove Oswald didn't crank off 3 rounds with a $12 dollar junk riffle either Bruce Davis once dated Doreen Gaul her body was found 2 wks after Zeros death same area Bruce was in England at the time of Joel Pughs death
I do totally agree with your point that his link to MANSON is what's kept him and Bobby locked up all these yrs he's more then likely a harmless old man now not much of a parole risk. Same can be said of Bobby I'd say if he doesn't make parole Bobby will never get out either
Let him continue his good works with those who most need it...his fellow inmates
Did you see the statement in parenthesis? It said it was just an opinion, not a basis for parole rejection. Geez, have a sense of humor.....
leary that "superficial wound" left a mark on the bone beneath it. davis described where he cut shea and it's same place.
There’s a little misalignment regarding parole and the state of California.
The parole board is ‘appointed’ by the governor. So that should temper the viewpoint of some sort of even application of parole grants.
Parole is also a way to control the budget by releasing people who are ‘measurably’ deserving for release into a semi-controlled environment, until they reach the end point of their sentence.
Lawrence Singleton was released on parole to such public outcry, that he actually served his parole in a trailer, parked on San Quentin’s grounds. People were emotive about Singleton since he was given the full punishment of 8 years, for the crime of mayhem. Mayhem in this case being the amputation of a teen age girls arms with an ax, after he raped her. He finished out his parole then moved to Florida (as you do) where he lived out his life quietly enjoying painting, taking care of neighbor’s pets while they were on vacation, and stabbing a woman in the face seven times resulting in her murder. Is he only going to be known for two notable days separated by over a decade?
Paroles and pardons are the remnants of autocratic monarchy which lives like a sort of freaky, undeveloped, parasitic twin on Lady Liberty’s back. Bill Clinton pardoned his brother and erased a felony off his record which most others must live with for the balance of their lives. Is that evenly applied or fair? Why is that permitted? Our nation is set up on checks and balances as a way to avoid living in some Hitler-ian, Pol Pot-ian or Leopold the Second-onian society where rules are applied with great fervor against select groups for reasons of convenience (read maintaining power).
A former Mississippi governor pardoned almost 200 people in his final days in office. Over a dozen were flatly denied parole by that state’s board. So you can have a death penalty, life sentences and life without the possibility of parole, but in practice there are 51 people who can (and do) reverse due process, judgment by a unanimous jury of peers, and the punishments prescribed by a two house system (except for Nebraska) with an unceremonious stroke of a pen. That should scare the shit out of everyone on multiple levels. What else don’t these guy’s care about during their final days in office? Pushing that big red button?
The most even and fair application of law will reside at the macro level and naturally decay once in the hands of select boards, committees, star chambers, or one person. Want fair? Then everyone serves their sentences, full term. That’s fair AND simple AND measurable. It’s also the last thing most want.
As far as measuring behaviors of those on parole, or who dodged a judicial bullet (Mary), I’m underwhelmed. Grogan could have thrown down a Franklin for Shorty’s grave to have a brass nameplate or he could have reimbursed the VA for the expense of Shorty’s burial since they were the last avenue of financial responsibility for the burial. Squeaky could have come clean with all she knows about Lauren’s murder, but chooses the profile of innocence versus lack of evidence. Mary could try to make things better for the Hinman family, but wants to ‘move forward’ and not dwell on the past. Or as I call it, learn from my trespasses, and attempt some atonement as part of my personal development. But they seem fairly self interested and self absorbed as a group with a displaced sense of outrage regarding privacy with no observable, therefore no measurable actions which would indicate redemption. But perhaps my standards, are simply too high.
Bruce could get paroled just like many who have done worse. That does not even deliver cold comfort, since that criteria uses the lowest denominator, as a measure of virtue. Weird.
Bruce could stay in the clink until his divine task of converting oxygen to carbon dioxide has ceased, and creates room for the next, and more deserving occupant of his state sponsored space. This does not stimulate my sense of outrage or injustice in the least. I remain conflicted and apathetic.
Damn, HE got old on us. I mean I know he is 70 and prison does not agree with most people but he looks about 100 to me. Makes me think-
Geeze Bruce, get back in the casket you crawled out of.
I always thought he was good looking when he was younger.
Suze said...
Had his honeymoon with Brenda in a sewer...
Their gifts to each other- carving sweet "X"s in each others foreheads
while sewer rats joyfully looked on.
Hi FARF, missed you!!
I disagree Liz, I think he looks FANTASTIC!
I think Bruce is rehabilitated, but at the same time I also think he has a lot of secrets and skeletons in his closet. However, I also feel you can not keep people locked up on "could have" so I say release him. Also, his mug shot, wtf happened to his head- it's like tiny now.
I don't see any big deal with letting him out they let worse people out every day
Besides I think your fascination with this case is a little beyond hating any member of the family I think you all wish you had a part in it give that a thought for a min but I'm already guessing that thought came directly to you the minute you read this I'm happy for Bruce good for him
Oh don't you love the zodiacs shit eating grin
Keith, you haven't begun to realize just HOW badly I wish I could of been "part" of a group of people who shared each others juices, and murdered innocent people! How I always find myself day dreaming about wanting to go back in time, and live amongst flies & horse caca, while having a hairy midget on top of me, shoving my head down on someone else's bush, all the while sleeping in a scab-infested mattress.Yep, wish I could of been part of that scene, for sure....
AustinAnn for President!
So you say but I think your infatuation goes way beyond just high curiosity over the case I would love to meet Charlie and I also think ol Tex had more to do with motives than charlie
Tex is more evil than Manson
Bruce has always scared me!!!
keith are you any relation to paul watkins?
He is creepy I bet his x wife hopes he does not get out.
Another pro of Bruce getting out - he can probably suck a grapefruit through a hose by now. Patty'd pay to see that.
Heidi S said...
I disagree Liz, I think he looks FANTASTIC!
Bruce is sexy and we know it.
I couldn't resist saying someone looked fantastic after what the Col said. Okay Col, who does Bruce look like? A cross between Bill Clinton and a shrunken head?
Can't be serious, Ann. Spahn Ranch looked great. Looked like all kinds of fun, perfectly clean, and anyway, kids can rough it much better than adults, as I remember. I wouldn't sty in some of the places I used to kip down in In Thailand now, no way. Funny how you got to have that bit of comfort when you hit your 30s and it just gets more needed.
I'd have loved Spahn. Realio trulio sex and drugs and rock'n'roll.
Can't be serious, Ann. Spahn Ranch looked great. Looked like all kinds of fun, perfectly clean, and anyway, kids can rough it much better than adults, as I remember. I wouldn't sty in some of the places I used to kip down in In Thailand now, no way. Funny how you got to have that bit of comfort when you hit your 30s and it just gets more needed.
I'd have loved Spahn. Realio trulio sex and drugs and rock'n'roll. Clem, Charlie, Bobby, Little Paul, Bruce..even Tex...all looked pretty good. Whole Manson family looked pretty good.
In reference to Bruce Davis marrying Brenda Pittman it says in his Folsom prison report
Not legalized
1.Nancy Pittman 17 Topanga canyon ,off on 4/68-12/70
General Del.,L.A.,Calif. Terminated at arrest.
What Deb found as usual is intriguing. The date of marriage or recording is 4/20/70 same date as a Zodiac killer letter. FYI
Davis did use aliases. He may have wanted to use her as a witness.
It says in Bruce Davis' Tracy prison record that Nancy Pittman was connected to Bruce, but the union was "not legalized as a marriage." It gives a Topanga Canyon Gen. Del. and says off & on 4/68-12 /70. It says the relationship was "terminated" at Davis' arrest.
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