Many of you already know who Ben Gurecki is. He is a collector of Manson memorabilia, the producer of The Lost Vacaville Tapes, and a personal friend of Charles Manson. He arrived in California this past week with the express purpose of traveling to Corcoran to visit with Charlie who is to celebrate his eightieth birthday this week (November 11 or November 12, depending on who you believe).
On facebook this morning, Ben posted the following:
"Charlie is officially in the hospital day #3. Confirmed by guards at
visitation check in. Could not get any additional to (sic)
information. Well
wishes CM!!"
We will bring you more details as they become available.
Photo credit: Stoner Van Houten at "Charlie's Rock," Spahn Ranch, 11/6/2014
Get well old man.
I think the old kook outlives nearly all his haters. You have to wonder what he knows that he refuses to die, even though life for Charlie is to wake in a small cell and all that is left is to do it another day.
Is Ben originally from Boston?
Research shows that those who live the longest do NOT take life too seriously and do NOT get very emotional about all the crap we are taught. The emotional side of the brain is barely used, but the analytical side is. Although 80 is not that old, I believe Manson is a classic case of such a person. RE: To Bermard Crow "OK, if you're not going to shoot me, I'll shoot you."
No emotion, just an intelligent solution to what could have been very emotional.
I like to say, when something tragic happens, "It's all just part of life." AND it is.
EXCEPT when you write a book OR make a movie - then it better be emotional or it won't SELL !
@Robert, what do you mean, "80 is not that old?" It's longer than the life expectancy most people live
Ben is being told this morning that Charlie was admitted to hospital "for testing." He is now on day four of his stay.
More...Star is not able to get any more information than Ben: the two of them have been speaking. Ben believes he has been given the necessary legal clearance to speak with Charlie's doctors about his care, so he may be able to speak with medical personnel tomorrow.
I am not originally from Boston. I have filled out the proper forms within Corcoran to be able to talk to his doctors. I have been attempting to contact the hospital all morning with no success. I have been and am talking with Star, and I have not heard another word as of now. If I find out more, I will pass it on unless I am specifically asked not to.
Thank you Ben. Good luck
cool ben !!...keep us posted !!..
I agree with Robert. 'They' say that stress makes a huge contribution to ill health, an early demise etc etc. Stress is certainly linked to emotions.
Oh, and nice one Ben!
Are y'all starting a prayer group?
Our Charlie who art in hospital
LOL @ Vera and Patty
I wonder how long it took for Manson to get a doctor's appointment. If HE was a U.S. Military Veteran, at many VA Hospitals the average wait was over 400 days. If you kill a few Pigs or try to ignite a race WAR, I'm guessing the wait is much less.
Makes sense to me.
Right, Robert.
Let's all give ourselves a huge round of applause.
God bless America.
"Being a follower does not excuse."
-Leslie Van Houten
Get well Charlie.You are the man.
No new news tonight save this one little tidbit. There is a thing called "j-pay" that lets people put money on an inmate's "book." Since today is Charlie's supposed birthday people have been trying to send him money all day. The system keeps replying that there is no such inmate.
JPay blocked me too. He is still in my inmates list, but when I click on it, I get a "blocked" error. When I searched his name, it said that he does not exist.
^ 2spooky
Also can you imagine old as fuck Manson at the hospital? I don't know why that's funny to me
Call the prison and mention that YOU are a reporter. State: Where is Manson ? The rumor is HE is dead! If he is - just say it - because otherwise we will report him as deceased and IF he shows up ALIVE in a few days - we will have a another REAL "messiah" on our hands.
IF asked - you can claim that you report for exclusivenews.com
Ha! That's great. A free Manson Blog Gold Membership Package to whoever makes the call and reports back...
brian davis said to me he called star himself and asked her what was going on..and she said that charlie had these appointments scheduled already,there regular check ups for a man of his age (80) and that he will be back in his housing unit very soon,even by now....(weather this is true.?..this is what was said on his show on sunday)..
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