Boulder Creek is fairly close to where the Chateau Liberte once stood at 22700 Old Santa Cruz Highway (pool pictured below is still visible on Google Earth) until 1975. "The Chateau" was known in the very early days as Chateau Boutisse, from 1965-1967 it was called the Redwood Chateau, and from 1967-1971 it was the Chateau Regis. It was a known BEL, Gypsy Joker and Hell's Angels hangout where the Grateful Dead, The Doobies, Hot Tuna, Quicksilver, et al would perform.

The timeline in which Ginny lived in San Francisco spanned from at least 1963 through her college graduation in 1968. She had roommates on Clayton Street during this time who were studying chemistry at SFSU and/or UCSF, which is walking distance from the Haight. Ginny had emotional problems every Christmas that either landed her in jail or in a mental hospital like the lockup at UCSF, or Scripps down south in La Jolla. As such, it took her at least six years to finish her bachelor's degree at San Francisco State University. Her troubles were so extreme that she may not have made it through college at all, had it not been for a substantial amount of help from George's (unnamed) lawyer.

She had at one point a boyfriend named Hank Harrison, who was the original manager of The Dead when they were still called The Warlocks (he is also Courtney Love's father). He formed a group called "LSD rescue" that he claims later became the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic. Bob Ackerley of the BEL claims that they helped found the Free Clinic, as do the Folgers. As you know, the Mansons were regular fixtures at the clinic. Not only were they frequently treated there for the various STDs they picked up along the way, they were also written about by Dr. David E. Smith in the scientific literature regarding their "common marriage."
The free clinic, unlike most other reputable caregivers of the day, had no issues with their clientele being on crazy amounts of drugs. It was accepted and even expected. Today's Rock Med, which is solely dedicated to caring for people who freak out at bay area rock shows, is today's outgrowth of the free clinic. Patty distinctly remembers seeing these people help a soaking wet deadhead with an infant who'd been dyed bright blue in one of the ladies' rooms at Autzen Stadium (June, 1994). It's a long story.
By now, you are probably saying, "so what?" Let Patty backtrack a bit.
Abigail and Voytek had MDA in their systems when they died, which was not a common drug back then. Patty has been working backwards to try and figure out where the MDA came from.

All these years, people have assumed that local law enforcement was totally inept when they conducted their murder investigations. But, what if it's not that, it's that these investigations were consumed into a larger investigation of global drug smuggling and manufacture? MKULTRA, as overused as it is in conspiracy theories, was an actual thing, and many of the drugs in question are confirmed MKULTRA test drugs. Patty was also interested to hear that when Brian Davis called the LAPD recently to inquire about the "Tex Tapes", he was told that they are part of an ongoing investigation. They did not specifically say MURDER investigation, which sent a chill down Patty's spine.
Can you see where Patty is going with this? Of course you can. But, what evidence does she have?
Howz about we let the above sink in for a little? Patty will be back because, of course, THERE'S MORE.
WAIT??? Ginny is Sandra's sister??? Too much...info...blagalglabalglep!
That supposed VW bus being Hinman's- I don't buy it. it's in Pacific Palisades, near Brentwood. It's off of Sullivan Fire Road/Rustic Canyon at an old Nazi camp called "Murphy Ranch." People have said the Manson's went there, hung there, whatever... maybe they stashed Hinman's van there... but it is not remote. It is a very popular hiking spot- hundreds a day. When I went there I saw 60+ people. Here are the Google coordinates:
34° 4.213', -118° 30.874'
also, can't wait to see what more Patty has! <3
That's why I've pasted this site:
So, if Ginny had made a baby with her boy friend Hank, she might have been Courtney's mother...
Don't meet trouble halfway! ;-)
Patty is going to get to the bottom of the drug connection. I can feel it!
And Courtney might have turned out even more prim and proper than she did.
I never knew until now that Hank Harrison was Courtney's father. He wrote "The Dead", which is by far my favorite book about my favorite band.
Here's a pic of Courtney sitting next to pigpen on the back of a classic gd album...
I'll be goddammed...
So if this all turns out to be a red herring, at least we got the Courtney thing. LOL
Dooger, it may not be Gary's van after all. But with all the rumors about the Nazi ranch, and the fact that the sticker is fro the exact right time period still make Patty want to know what was at Gate 9?
There is a big map library at UCLA and they have some jpegs on line, but the resolution isn't very good. Do we know anyone in Westwood who can hop over there for us?
Cosmic Charlie is on that album:
"Cosmic Charley" Words by Robert Hunter; music by Jerry Garcia
Copyright Ice Nine Publishing; used by permission.
Cosmic Charley how do you do?
Truckin' in style along the avenue
Dumdeedumdee doodley doo
Go on home, your mama's calling you
Calico Kahlia come tell me the news
Calamity's waiting for a way to get to her
Rosy red and electric blue
I bought you a paddle for your paper canoe
Say you'll come back when you can
Whenever your airplane happens to land
Maybe I'll be back here too
It all depends on what's with you
Hung up waitin for a windy day
Kite on ice since the first of February
Mama Bee saying that the wind might blow
But standin here I say I just don't know
New ones comin as the old ones go
Everything's movin here but much too slowly
Little bit quicker and we might have time
to say 'how do you do?" before we're left behind
Calliope wail like a seaside zoo
The very last lately inquired about you
It's really very one or two
The first you wanted, the last I knew
I just wonder if you shouldn't feel
less concern about the deep unreal
The very first word is : How do you do?
The last: go home, your mama's callin you
Go on home
Your mama's calling you
Calling you.....
You didn't know she babysat Courtney Love?
Ok, that might be the fact because the Wikipedia-Sites about Ginny Good in English and German were deleted several times.
Please take Anarchopedia or Novatlan!
The singer Meat Loaf also drove Manson and some of his cats.
Cybot, do you have a link for that?
For what?
I gave Novatlan above, Anarchopedia is here (http://eng.anarchopedia.org/Virginia_Good)and Meat Loaf said this several times in interviews.
Exempli gratia in Youtube (11:35):
TY Bot
@Panamint Patty:
If you look at the Good sisters, Sandy is clearly the most famous one. It's not easy to overlook her. ;-)
But meanwhile there is also much information that can be collected about Ginny.
About the third sister there's almost no data available.
Marni, you mean?
No, I don't think so.
Oops, its spelled Marne. Marne Elizabeth. She is a half sister born in San Bernardino County, 1955 according to DebS' research.
So, does that mean that there are four Good sisters?
Thanks, Cybot I hadn't seen the Meatloaf video before. Sounds like a bullshit story, though.
I've also checked the early lawyer of Ted Bundy (Good) if she's related to these sisters, but I think she isn't.
I don't think so because this was mentioned several times before.
Of course we cannot be completely sure of things that happened in the 60s today.
There was a story published some time ago about Sandra and a third sister having a parking lot reunion where they discuss Jesus. MsBurb and Patty remember seeing it but neither can find it any more. Was that Marne, or...?
Gerard Jones didn't want to tell us.
But some say it's Deborah.
We now are more into the question, when Sandys former lover Steve Bekins (from the famous Bekins moving company) gets out of prison.
He was part of the famous (and funny) drama scene in the appartment when he had raided a shop, the police was coming to get him and Sandy was running naked around in the appartment and tried to stop them. *g*
Wow. Good stuff, very interesting. Can't wait to see what more Patty has going.
Allow me to say this: over at the other blog there is a very interesting post about Burton Katz's book, Mary Brunner, Bobby Beausoleil and the murder of Gary Hinman. It gets me wondering again about the allegation that Gary Hinman was a drug dealer, a part-time one at that. I've never seen that documented anywhere in any of the official documents. In fact, I first heard it from the Col, who is BB's buddy and it fits with BB's story about the bad drugs and the motorcycle gang and all that. But if Gary was cooking up drugs in his basement,wouldn't that have been mentioned in the LASO homicide reports?
So, Patty, drawing a line from Gary Hinman through BB and Tex and Charlie to Voytek and Gibby sounds very interesting indeed. And if a line indeed could be drawn, then that would be big news. But I have my doubts.
Was Gary Hinman gay?
@Panamint Patty:
This is about the brotherhood. You can use an online translator.
But there is nothing about Bernardine Dohrn who told journalists that the Weathermen worked together with the BEL in helping Leary to escape prison.
Patty, the story was "Forgiving Sandra Good", but why should they have talked about Jesus? It is not even clear if he existed!
And it could also be siblings of the later marriage of Sandy's mother Eleanor.
Bot, Patty doesn't believe that Gary was gay. But it was an experimental time and he was an experimental dude, so, who knows?
Starship, some of Patty's follow up was gleaned from things posted at "the other blog." She will try and remember to give this credit where it is due. And...you ask a very relevant question when you ask why there wasn't anything in Gary's homicide reports about drugs in the basement...Patty will definitely address that and she appreciates your participation.
@starship, it's not proof, but in the infamous nude hippie arrest, Hinman was on the arrest investigation. Sandra (speaking of the devil) named Hinman as the supplier of the capsules she had on her. This was April 68.
Maybe Hinman wasn't a drug dealer, as in someone who makes most of their income, but that doesn't mean he never sold or manufactured.
When it comes to mescaline and Bobby, who knows. Maybe Hinman was dabbling. I think there is merit in that allegation. Maybe it wasn't the main reason Hinman was killed,but it may have given Bobby reason to extort money out of him- boiling blood between them.
Who was it (maybe 6-7 years ago) that was alleging that Hinman and Frykowski had a little thing? Anyone can find that article? Maybe info is in it that is legit?
And @Panamint, maybe the VW is Hinman's... there's always the chance. The year is close, the sticker is right, and it is close to Sunset near where Wilson and Co. was... Not far from Topanga Canyon Blvd...
The capsules Sandra had in 1968 is one of the things Patty gleaned from LSB3. She had never heard that before. She will discuss this in more detail later, but she had read in more than one place that drugs packaged in capsules were usually the work of amateurs whose operations were too small to justify a pill press.
@Panamint Patty:
How did the drug market develop in Califormia in these times?
- was there drug trade before the 60s?
- did drug trade start by hippies and then go to the organized crime?
- or were drugs traded by o. c./mafia from the beginning?
- and when did it (trade) start?
- when did the first killings start?
- did they use cocaine even in the 60s or in the cocaine wave in the 70s?
I didn't get much information about that. The sources only say that at some point of the development some drug trafficers were killed in the late 60s.
Collaborations of hippies and the mafia can be seen e. g. in Italy when the Getty sisters ("G. twins") contacted the mafia and maybe helped in the kidnapping of John Paul Getty III. whose ear was cut off.
Two very good books on the subject:
The Brotherhood of Eternal Love by Tendler and May; Orange Sunsine by Schou.
Patty also has copies of 1972 senate hearings on marijuana and hashish trafficking in the US and abroad.
Here you can see signs of collaboration of hippies and the organized crime (like the Hells Angels).
And the docu contains interesting information about other dark sides of the "movement" like illnesses.
YOWZA Patty...this is by far the best thread I have read on the Manson blogs in a long long time. Excellent work.
I agree Leary. She's worked hard on this angle.
TY, Leary. That's why Matt pays her the BIG BUCKS
A good reason for Hinman to producing Mescaline is that according to Wikipedia it wasn't made illegal in the USA until 1970.
"There is a common myth going around that mescaline is easily obtainable on the street, usually found as an adulterant in ecstasy pills. This is one of several popular and completely false myths about drugs that are commonly heard. Mescaline is not even active in doses below 150 to 200 milligrams, with 500 milligrams of the sulfate salt being a full dose. That quantity of powder is too large to fit in the pills commonly found today (with the addition of MDA/MDMA/MDE of course). In fact, mescaline is the weakest major psychedelic there is, except ibogaine (or the harmala alkaloids if you want to count them.) That right there rules out mescaline being used in pills.
Because mescaline is so weak, it is way too expensive for underground cooks to make. In other words, no one is synthesizing it for the drug market. Think about it...you can make one gram of MDMA or MDA and get 7 good doses, or make one gram of mescaline and get 2 to 3 doses. That sure doesn't sound very practical, not to mention the fact that it is not easy to make. That means that if there were really mescaline in pills it could only come from two places...Nature or a chemical supplies company. "
I was trying to look for an equipment list to see how much Hinman might have needed, but the above makes the point that it's a lot of effort for little return.
The bad mescaline deal payback comes from an interview Beausoleil gave in the early 80s as far as I can recall.
Q. Why did you go to Gary Hinman's home on July 25th, 1969?
A. I didn't go there with the intention of killing Gary. If I was going to kill him, I wouldn't have taken the girls. (Mary Brunner and Susan Atkins). I was going there for one purpose only, which was to collect $1000 that I had already turned over to him, that didn't belong to me.
Q. When had you given him the $1000?
A. The night before.
Q. You paid Hinman $1000 for 1000 tabs of mescaline and then returned to the Spahn Ranch?
A. Right. The whole transaction with the Straight Satans motorcycle club took place at Spahn's Ranch. There were a few Satan Slavers hanging out there as well. The Straight Satans took the mescaline back to the motorcycle club at Venice where they were intending to party, they were really mad about it.
Q. How did you know that it was strychnine instead of mescaline in such a short time? If you didn't try the drug yourself, how could you be certain that it was bogus or poison?
A. I don't think that those guys would have lied to me. They wouldn't have been that mad.
Q. How long had you and Hinman been doing these transactions?
A. Very rarely. I just happened to know that he had something. I was trying to be a nice guy, trying to be in with the fellows, trying to impress somebody.
Christopher, Patty agrees with you that Gary could not have been making ACTUAL mescaline, but on the street, the new drugs were known colloquially as synthetic mescaline because the high RESEMBLES it.
On the street, you might purchase what you THINK is ecstasy. You may or may not get high off of it, and it may or may not contain MDMA. But if you refer to it, you will call it ecstasy, or maybe "fake ecstasy," but the nomenclature remains the same.
And YOU, Robert, thanks for yet another riddle of the sphinx. LOL Belladonna what?
Mr Hendrickson, are you of the opinion the drug in question was belladonna as opposed to mescaline?
Patty is wondering what it is that the biers wanted, and what they actually got. Up north, the bikers wanted methedrine, or speed. This is what they were messed up on at Altamont. Methedrine is very similar to MDA. If the bikers wanted speed or MDA the starting chemicals are the same: you just pull some of it out of the recipe like you would for a friend who is allergic to peppers. Nick Sand was purportedly doing this up north. It could also be that Gary accidentally made PMA or another bad combo, which would have made everyone sick as dogs.
Could Hinman possibly have been a middleman himself and not a manufacturer?
MDA, MDMA, and STP (DOM) were all available in Boston in the 1960s.
True! And, what is near Boston? HARVARD.
Who went to Harvard? Tim Leary, Billy Hitchcock, several board members of the Castle Bank...
Christopher, Gary may have been a middleman, Patty doesnt know. However, that doesn't really fit with what we know about him. He probably would not have gotten involved just to make money, right? He was an idealist, a social worker, a Buddhist. He wanted to do something for society. He was a giver, not a taker. Lets keep at this though, we are going to figure it out.
I used to buy my stuff in Harvard Square circa 69-73. It was indeed high quality.
Patty, wasn't Gary headed over to Japan on a trip? Who amongst in those days didn't broker a deal or two to finance some travel.
Thanks, patty. Can't wait for more...
As Gerry Jones said, she had a cute ass!
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